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Request access data (21skills)

Ihre Zugangsdaten bekommen Sie an die mit Ihrer ZIM-Kennung verknüpfte E-Mail-Adresse geschickt! Your access data will be sent to the mail address connected to your ZIM identification.

Hinweis// Notice:

Nach Beantragung Ihrer Zugangsdaten vergeben wir Zugangsdaten an Sie. Dieser Vorgang kann unter Umständen wenige Arbeitstage in Anspruch nehmen. Once you have applied for your access data, we will issue access data to you. This process may take a few working days.

I agree that a connection to the Vimeo server will be established when the video is played and that personal data (e.g. your IP address) will be transmitted.
I agree that a connection to the YouTube server will be established when the video is played and that personal data (e.g. your IP address) will be transmitted.
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