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Financial Funding

In order to complete the dissertation in a concentrated manner and/or start a postdoctoral project, a temporary doctoral or transitional scholarship may sometimes be necessary. At the University of Passau, such scholarships are currently only awarded to young female researchers by the Women's Representative.

Graduation scholarships are still the exception, so there is little funding available. The FAZIT Foundation is currently not regionally bound (condition: financial need).

Types of dissertations

In general there are following options to make your dissertation:

monographic single publication ('book') publication-based (cumulative) publication joint doctorate
one author author or possibly several authors  several authors
one work several essays one work or several essays
includes all parts subtopics as essays, additional framing at the end depending on the variant
Sole responsibility  Sole responsibility or marking of the share responsibility is precisely defined
Risks: Length, duration, topicality Risks: Acceptance by journals, complexity of the process  Risk: Complexity of the process

Please note that your doctoral regulations may impose further requirements or restrictions here. Last but not least, your supervisor will also have an opinion on this topic. He or she knows the conventions in the department.

For publication-based doctorates, please contact the relevant doctoral committee before publishing the dissertation or parts of it. If parts of the dissertation have already been published, this may make it more difficult to publish the dissertation as a whole at a later date. Please be sure to speak to your supervisor before publishing your thesis or parts of it.

Publication of the dissertation

Part of the doctoral procedure is the obligation to publish and disseminate the dissertation. Details on publication are regulated by the respective doctoral degree regulations of the faculties.

As a general rule, the dissertation must be published within the period specified in the doctoral degree regulations. Publication requires permission to print from the responsible committees or persons (imprimatur). Please remember to obtain this printing permission again, especially if you have changed the dissertation compared to the text that was submitted for review. Proof of publication must be provided by submitting specimen copies.

There are various ways in which you can publish your dissertation: At all faculties, it is possible to fulfill the publication obligation by publishing in bookstores or electronically via the university library. Some faculties also offer the option of self-publication or publication in a journal or series.

Eventuell – je nach Publikationsmedium – entstehen bei der Veröffentlchung Kosten. Meist wird der Druckkostenzuschuss dadurch begründet, dass die Publikationen sehr fachspezifisch sind und die Zielgruppe entsprechend klein ausfällt. Den geringer kalkulierten Absatz müssen die Autorinnen und Autoren durch den sogenannten Druckkostenzuschuss ausgleichen. Zur Refinanzierung können Sie Ihre Steuererklärung (Werbungskosten) nutzen, das Registrierungs- und Meldeportal der VG WORT und/oder sich für die Publikationsförderung des Graduiertenzentrums bewerben.

Depending on the publication medium, costs may be incurred for publication. The printing cost subsidy is usually justified by the fact that the publications are very subject-specific and the target group is correspondingly small. Authors have to compensate for the lower calculated sales with the so-called printing cost subsidy. You can use your tax return (income-related expenses), the VG WORT registration and reporting portal and/or apply for publication funding from the Graduate Center.

Open Access means that scientific information and publications are available free of charge and without technical restrictions via the Internet. Accordingly, Open Access publications achieve a high degree of general accessibility and availability, are easy to find via search engines and are highly visible. In compliance with scientific standards, they can be reused worldwide and promote international and interdisciplinary cooperation.

In accordance with the Berlin Declaration, the University of Passau is committed to the goals of Open Access and supports its researchers in publishing in the spirit of Open Access. This can be done either directly through a primary publication in an open access publishing house ('golden road') or in the form of a secondary publication on a publication server ('green road'). Authors should therefore insist on retaining the exploitation rights for electronic versions wherever possible.

The University Library provides suitable facilities for Open Access publishing. As a contact point for questions and information on Open Access, the University Library is available to advise and support researchers.

Representative Council for Academic and Artistic Staff

The Representative Council for Academic and Artistic Staff is your first point of contact for any questions you may have regarding your status group at the University. The Representative Council represents early career researchers and scholars at the University, i.e. lecturers, graduate research and teaching assistants and assistant professors (the Akademischer Mittelbau). You will find further information on the Representative Council website. They also issued an Onboarding guide for new members at the University of Passau:

Get together for Doctoral Students

You are a doctoral candidate at the University of Passau? Join us for the first Get together for doctoral students from all fields and faculties at the University of Passau. 

The next one will take place on 25 March from 19:00 in the restaurant "Bayerischer Löwe". 

Whether you’re employed, on a scholarship, not yet registered, or have just submitted your thesis—everyone is welcome.

In the future, get togethers will be announced via Stud.IP, so please join us there.

We look forward to seeing you!

Hanna und Johanna 

 Contact: hanna.augustin@uni-passau.de (German Language), johanna.sinn@uni-passau.de (Applied Ethics)

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