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Thesis Starter Grants

What is the thesis starter grant and what is it for?

Are you about to complete your degree or have you recently graduated and would like to do your doctorate at the University of Passau? But you are still looking for bridging funding to work out your doctoral project and acquire doctoral funding (doctoral scholarship or third-party position)? Then apply for our thesis starter grant! In order to provide you with optimal support and financial security during the transition from your studies to your doctorate, the University of Passau has introduced a transitional or "thesis starter grant".

The funding is intended to give you the opportunity, within an initial period of six months, to plan the first steps of your doctorate and to prepare an exposé for application to a doctoral scholarship sponsor or to prepare the acquisition of a third-party funded position. In this way, we would like to support you in starting your doctorate and in obtaining funding for your doctoral project.

Guidelines on the granting of a thesis starter grant

If you have successfully applied for exposé funding, please send us your supervision agreement three months after the start of funding. You should then submit your final report two months after the end of funding.

Online application
Online application

If you would like to find out in advance about application requirements, you will find details in the following documents:


Yes, you can work during the exposé funding period as long as your other employment is compatible with the Bavarian Secondary Employment Act. Your secondary employment must be authorised by the Human Resources Department. You can find further information in this information sheet (German only).

No, this is not possible. Via the thesis starter grant you will be already formally employed as a doctoral research assistant at the University of Passau.

You can apply if you are planning to do a doctorate at the University of Passau and

  • you are in the final phase of your degree programme (in the penultimate semester), which you expect to complete with above-average grades and are planning to do a doctorate at the University of Passau, or
  • you have completed your degree programme with above-average grades no earlier than the end of the last semester and are planning to do a doctorate at the University of Passau.
  • The period during which you should complete your studies in the respective funding round will be announced in the current call for applications.

Please note that you must have completed a degree programme with a grade that qualifies you for a doctorate. The following information on final grades can serve as a first orientation for this. Additional acceptance requirements may be specified in the subject-specific doctoral degree regulation. Only the information in the currently valid version of the corresponding doctoral degree regulation is binding!

Please note that you must have completed a degree programme with a grade that qualifies you for a doctorate. The following information on final grades can serve as a first orientation for this. Additional acceptance requirements may be specified in the subject-specific doctoral regulations. Only the information in the currently valid version of the corresponding doctoral degree regulation is binding!

Faculty Diplom, Magister, state examination (German GPA) Master Bachelor
Faculty of Law "vollbefriedigend"*** - -
School of Business, Economics and Information Systems 2,3 (may be changed upon written application of the supervising person) 2,3 not possible
Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences 2,5 (upon written application of the supervising person, the grade can be lowered by 0,3) 2,5 1,3
Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies 2,5 (upon written application of the supervising person, the grade can be lowered by 0,3) 2,5 1,3
Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics 2.5** (upon written application of the supervising person, changes may occur) 2,5 not possible

*Teaching students: A doctorate is possible after successful completion of the First State Examination if, within the framework of the teacher training programme, the term paper to be proven for admission to the First State Examination were assessed with at least the grade "good".

**The Board of Examiners for Doctoral Awards may exempt the candidate from the requirement of an above-average degree if the candidate has achieved above-average assessments in computer science or mathematics after graduation and two professors of the Faculty endorse the acceptance.

***4 years' law degree or a law degree which is considered as equivalent to the German first legal State Examination with the final grade of "Vollbefriedigend" (Full Satisfactory)

Yes. You can apply as long as you intend to do your doctorate at the University of Passau and you have found a person who is willing to supervise your doctorate and support your application. Usually doctorates are supervised by professors.

The earliest possible start is at the beginning of the semester, the latest possible one month before the end of the semester. The period in which funding should be started will be announced in the respective call for applications. Funding can start when you have completed all your examinations, even if you have not yet received all your grades. If you would like to do a doctorate at the Faculty of Law, the overall examination grade of the First State Examination must be available at the time of application. A later start is possible in justified exceptional cases, but at the latest up to twelve months after graduation.

The funding period is six months. Thesis starter grants come with a contract as a doctoral teaching and research assistant amounting to 30% of the regular working hours. In the case of funding, the contract is concluded for six months.

The funding can be extended by a maximum of three months. To apply for an extension, proof of an application to a doctoral scholorship provider or an external third-party funder must be submitted to the Graduate Centre office no later than six weeks before the end of the funding period. However, there is no entitlement to an extension and due to limited budget extension usually won't be granted.

Please submit a current Transcript of Records listing your examination achievements to date.

Please contact us at least two weeks before the application deadline. Tell us which documents you are still missing, when you requested them and what the current processing status is. We will then get back to you and let you know whether an application is still possible and, if so, by when you can submit additional documents. All documents must be submitted at the very latest one week before the selection decision.

In principle, this is possible. However, as with any other application, you should choose the attachments carefully and only include supporting documents that have a concrete connection to your application.

The decision is made according to the selection criteria:

  • Scientific qualification and performance of the applicant, proven in particular by outstanding academic achievements, prizes or other awards for previous achievements during studies.
  • Scientific quality and comprehensibility of the doctoral project.
  • Comprehensibility of the personal motivation for the doctorate and the contribution to further career planning.

The Research Advisory Board of the University of Passau decides on the awarding of the starter grant. The Research Advisory Board comprises representatives from the faculties and the Representative Council for Academic and Artistic Staff of the University of Passau as well as the Gender Equality Commissioner

Yes, this is possible.

After the application deadline, we forward all complete and formally admissible applications to the decision-making committee. After the selection of the applicants by this committee, you will receive an acceptance or rejection letter from the Graduate Centre's office. We usually try to inform you of this decision within one month after the application deadline.

Funding is not possible if you are employed by the University of Passau during the planned funding period. It is irrelevant whether you are employed as a student assistant or doctoral research assistant or in a non-academic position during the funding period.

In addition to financial support, you can also take advantage of the other services offered by the Graduate Centre, such as counselling (entry and financing) and a specific range of events for starting your doctorate.

Please note: This website is a brief information. Only the official regulation and University guidelines on the thesis starter grant are legally binding. The content of this website does not claim to be complete.


Aniane Semeraro
Beata Haidn
Beata Haidn
Room N12 122
Nikolastraße 12
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1592
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