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Doctoral degree

The doctorate serves as proof of the ability to conduct in-depth scientific work in a subject area represented by a professor at the University of Passau and is based on an independently conveyed academic work (dissertation) and an oral examination (rigorosum or disputation).

Overview of the PhD regulations

How does the Graduate Center support me in the various phases of my doctorate?

Introductory stage

Research stage

Completion stage

Representative Council for Academic and Artistic Staff

The Representative Council for Academic and Artistic Staff is your first point of contact for any questions you may have regarding your status group at the University. The Representative Council represents early career researchers and scholars at the University, i.e. lecturers, graduate research and teaching assistants and assistant professors (the Akademischer Mittelbau). You will find further information on the Representative Council website. They also issued an Onboarding guide for new members at the University of Passau:

Get together for Doctoral Students

You are a doctoral candidate at the University of Passau? Join us for the first Get together for doctoral students from all fields and faculties at the University of Passau. 

The next one will take place on 25 March from 19:00 in the restaurant "Bayerischer Löwe". 

Whether you’re employed, on a scholarship, not yet registered, or have just submitted your thesis—everyone is welcome.

In the future, get togethers will be announced via Stud.IP, so please join us there.

We look forward to seeing you!

Hanna und Johanna 

 Contact: hanna.augustin@uni-passau.de (German Language), johanna.sinn@uni-passau.de (Applied Ethics)

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