Workshop grants
The Passau Young Researchers Excellence Centre (PYREC) strengthens research-oriented promotion of outstanding early career researchers at the University of Passau. By awarding workshop funding, the University of Passau supports its early career researchers in preparing for a successful academic career in the European Research Area by providing financial resources for the autonomous organisation of interdisciplinary workshops and conferences. The workshop funding also serves in particular to promote interfaculty networking among early career researchers at the University of Passau and thus contributes to the expansion of the University of Passau's research strength.
What kind of events can be funded?
Workshop grants are used to finance events that
- serve the further academic qualification in the context of the doctorate, postdoctoral phase or habilitation,
- aim in particular to promote interdisciplinary cooperation and networking between the faculties of the University of Passau,
- raise the visibility of the research of outstanding early career researchers at the University of Passau
Eligible events are:
- Workshops that are organised by at least two early career researchers from different academic disciplines as face-to-face events at the University of Passau and
- whose event concept, in addition to a well thought-out planning of its realisation, has a clear interdisciplinary reference in terms of content.
Applicants can be
- Doctoral students at the University of Passau,
- Habilitation candidates of the University of Passau,
- Postdocs, insofar as they are members of the University of Passau, who are seeking further academic qualification or an occupation in the context of obtaining habilitation-equivalent qualifications.
Coordination with the holder of the leading chair or professorship is absolutely necessary. The application must be accompanied by written confirmation of the responsibility for the cost account. This includes the coverage of any additional costs incurred that cannot be covered by the workshop funding.
Application for workshop funding: written confirmation of acceptance of responsibility for the cost account to be set up
Amount of funding and framework conditions for the reimbursement of costs
The workshop funding covers the funding amount of up to € 2,000.
The guidelines for the procurement and catering of guests must be adhered to (if necessary, separate external third-party funding must be acquired). Travel and accommodation costs can only be covered for external lecturers.
Please refer to the guidelines for further provisions on funding.
The workshop grants are awarded in a competitive internal university procedure. The Collegial Management of the Graduate Centre decides on the funding allocation within the framework of the available budget.
The collegial management is made up of professors and early career researchers from all five faculties.
The decision is based on the following criteria:
1. The scientific qualifications and performance of the applicants, demonstrated in particular by outstanding scientific achievements.
2. The quality of the planning concept of the workshop, demonstrated in particular by
- Quality of the brief outline of the project and the intended interdisciplinary approach,
- Embedding of the project in the respective research phase (in terms of content/time),
- Feasibility and plausible cost calculation,
- Significance of the workshop for interfaculty networking at the University of Passau and the visibility of early career researchers.
- Experience in the realisation of events is not required, but is an advantage.
3. The event concept has to assure that at least 5 early career researchers from at least two faculties of the University of Passau will participate in a planned workshop. This also includes, for example, doctoral student workshops under the supervision of experts in which their own research status is presented and discussed.
- Academic CV of the applicant with a list of publications and presentations
- Written statement confirming the assumption of responsibility for the cost account by the holder of the chair or professorship responsible for organising the event.
- Brief description of the workshop or conference with regard to its interdisciplinary character, the promotion of interfaculty networking of early career researchers at the University of Passau and visibility of the research of early career researchers (max. 2 pages)
- Presentation of the workshop's contribution to the organisational team's own further academic qualification (max. 2 pages)
- Concept for event planning and realisation (max. 3 pages)
The concept should also address:
- Cost planning, especially when inviting external lecturers, fees, accommodation, travel, catering or material costs (in compliance with the procurement and catering guidelines of the University of Passau),
- Measures for advertising and marketing,
- Definition of target groups and expected demand.
In order to be able to process the application for workshop funding, we ask all applicants to complete the declaration of consent to the processing of data in accordance with the GDPR. Please fill out both the german and the english version!
Aniane Semeraro
Nikolastraße 12
94032 Passau
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